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~Your friend, DoomBrawler.
Bakugan Battle Zone
Please login if you would like to register your Bakugan and cards, brawl against other members, and become the best Bakugan Battle Zone brawler!

If you havn't yet made an account, the please do so to gain full access to the chat room and the rest of our content! You'll also be able to earn badges by proving you were at certain Bakugan events or proving you have certain promotional Bakugan (such as White Naga from the video game).

~Your friend, DoomBrawler.
Bakugan Battle Zone
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 Tag-Team Rules

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Founder Admin
Founder Admin

Posts : 223
Join date : 2010-08-29
Age : 28
Location : Earth

Tag-Team Rules Empty
PostSubject: Tag-Team Rules   Tag-Team Rules I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 10, 2010 11:18 am

Tag-Team uses the same rules as other arenas except the fact you are teamed up with a partner. In a tag-team brawl, your rank points gained equals the total g-power of all the bakugan your team defeated. (if you beat a 760G Aranaut and 610G Dharak, you get 1270 Rank Points. Double standing does NOT get you any rank points.)

Yes, it IS possible for the losing team to get more rank points than the winning team.
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