The first of our two new forums we bring to you is the 'Requests' forum. This forum assures everyone that their opponent isn't switching their team but also gives everyone a good place to request battles.
The second forum that was recently added was the 'Extras' forum at the registration area. This forum brings the ability to gain even more easy rank points while also giving those who register their BakuMeter an extra feature in battle. Not enough? Well there's more! Registering a BakuMeter or Gauntlet also gets you a badge and if you read around the forum, you know every badge gets you 500 rank points. Thats a total of 600 rank points for registering just one of those two items.
Finally, we have the BakuBlog. The BakuBlog will be what I use to show everyone what Bakugan-related things I happen to be doing in real life. This will include Bakugan events at Toys'R'Us, the Friday brawl between my brother and I, and some of my recent finds at stores that sell Bakugan.
Thanks for reading
~ DoomBrawler