Bakugan Battle Zone
Please login if you would like to register your Bakugan and cards, brawl against other members, and become the best Bakugan Battle Zone brawler!

If you havn't yet made an account, the please do so to gain full access to the chat room and the rest of our content! You'll also be able to earn badges by proving you were at certain Bakugan events or proving you have certain promotional Bakugan (such as White Naga from the video game).

~Your friend, DoomBrawler.
Bakugan Battle Zone
Please login if you would like to register your Bakugan and cards, brawl against other members, and become the best Bakugan Battle Zone brawler!

If you havn't yet made an account, the please do so to gain full access to the chat room and the rest of our content! You'll also be able to earn badges by proving you were at certain Bakugan events or proving you have certain promotional Bakugan (such as White Naga from the video game).

~Your friend, DoomBrawler.

Have a great time at Bakugan Battle Zone with our other members
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Cards P_000312
G-power up
Cards 2_210
Cards Bw1jms10
Similar Crush
Direct Attack
Direct Attack
Silver Scream
Silver Scream
Cards P_000319
Vilantor Gear card
Cards P_000318
Cards P_000317
G-power up
Cards P_000316
VR Arena #3
Cards P_000223
Hawktor's Turf
Cards P_000222
Rickety Bridge
Got an awesome promo from BBL part 2
Companion Shun
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